4 garden landscaping trends to look out for in 2018

Maintaining a garden requires a considerable amount of effort and dedication. But to make sure that your garden looks pleasing to the eye, you will have to ensure that the landscaping is done with perfection. Here are some of the landscaping trends which have gained popularity in 2018:-
Give precedence to craftsmanship
Because of the numerous mass-produced items around us, we often fail to recall that there are many things which are handmade. You can take the help of an artisan to add a structure or any other vital element to your property. Each detail should be designed in a manner to please to attract eye-balls.
Restore habitat
If you are fond of gardening, you are likely to know that the number of bees and butterflies is decreasing. However, loss of habitat is an issue which is also being faced by frogs, birds etc. Most of their habitats have been cleared to expand cities and their suburb. So, if you want to add more life and colour to your garden, think about the needs of the local wildlife. You can take the help of landscaping companies in Noida to adjust your plant selections. Your garden can also be redesigned to support local wildlife in a better manner. You can create a habitat garden by growing berry-bearing and seed-producing plants. Minimize or avoid the use of pesticides.
Opt for a small garden
At present, space is a major factor which all garden owners pay attention to. However, even if your garden has limited space, you can make it pleasing to the eye. Though the phenomenon of small gardens is not clear, there is a considerable change in the way they are designed. There are two ways through which you can create a small garden.
The first method is to opt for multipurpose features. By doing so you can create a bold element which runs through space. It also has a curb edge for the deck. This is a planter and collects water from downspouts on house. The seat wall and is a fire feature. The second method which you can adopt is to opt for container combinations. A plant can look really beautiful, however, its assets can be magnified when placed within a container. The plants will complement texture, colour, and structure.
Highly popular in urban gardens, some plants such as Japanese maples grow pretty slowly and can flourish in a container for years together. They are not suitable for being exposed to sunlight and wind.
Highly popular in urban gardens, some plants such as Japanese maples grow pretty slowly and can flourish in a container for years together. They are not suitable for being exposed to sunlight and wind.
Experiment with everything that you grow
Good gardeners are always willing to try new things. You can think about growing unusual edibles. There are numerous seed companies whom you can get in touch to ensure that your garden can include a number of new crops such as cucamelons. They are of the same size as grapes and have a taste which is similar to cucumbers and have a sour taste. Plant bee-friendly flowers in your garden. Pollinators can boost the yield of your garden by flowering crops such as melons, cucumbers and squash are pollinated.
